About PrimerDB

PrimerDB was developed to search primers that used in Dr. Mullins Lab. Basic search provides searching via primer sequence or name. Advanced search provides searching via HXB2 location, primer usage, direction, viral type and/or subtype. The search result lists the matched primers in primer database with associated information including primer name, sequence, molecular weight, GC content, melting temperature, HXB2_location, usage, direction, lab common, viral type, subtype and notes.

Primer sequence
Primer sequence to be searched in primer database. The result outputs the information of primers that contain the searched sequence pattern.
Primer name
Primer name to be searched in primer database. The result outputs the information of primer that matches the searched name.
Primers covering region
The genomic regions or user defined region that associated with HXB2 start and end position. The result outputs all the primers covering the region.
Primers within region
The genomic regions or user defined region that associated with HXB2 start and end position. The result outputs all the primers within the region.
HXB2 start and end
When defining a region, user must provide the HXB2 start and end position of the region.
5' and 3' extension
When searching primers covering a region, user can specify the 5' and/or 3' extension of the region. The result outputs all forward primers in the 5' extension range and reverse primers in the 3' extension range.
Primer Usage
The purpose that primer used for.
Primer direction
The direction of primer amplification.
Viral type
Virus type that the primer designed for.
Viral subtype
Virus subtype that the primer designed for.
Lab common
A flag that indicates the commonly used primer in Lab.