This is a collection of sequence manipulation scripts, including sequence cleaning and format conversion.
How to run
chmod +x [ProgramName]
Create a subdirectory in your working directory to hold input files and output files. In the subdirectory, type following command:
perl ../[ProgramName] InputFile OutputFile
Program list
Input: fasta sequence file.
Output: cleaned fasta sequence file.
Input: nexus sequence file.
Output: fasta sequence file.
Input: phylip sequence file.
Output: fasta sequence file.
Input: fasta sequence file.
Output: phylip sequence file.
Input: sequence table file (SeqName Sequence).
Output: fasta sequence file.
Input: sequence file in GenBank format.
Output: fasta sequence file with sequence names created by combining GI number and GenBank accession number.
Input: SwissProt output sequence file.
Output: fasta sequence file with sequence names created by combining swissprot id and accession number.
Input: DNA sequence fasta file.
Output: reverse complemented sequence fasta file.